S.A.L.T. (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly) and Empty Nesters are a significant point of connection to help maintain meaningful relationships, grow in our faith together, provide an ever expanding network for communication, impact, as well as care for others throughout the week.
SALT Lunch & Learns
Fantastic way to connect with members, visitors, and others within our community as we open our eyes and minds to learn from special guest speakers who share about a particular topic and/or explore with special offsite field trips. These events are held the last Thursday of the month January-October at 11:00am. See SALT Lunch & Learn for details of our upcoming event.
Empty Nesters
If you are an “empty nester", retired, someone starting to think about retirement, and/or just someone who enjoys good fellowship, then this group is for you! Come join us for some good conversation and discussion on topics to enrich our hearts, minds, and souls. This group meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 5:30pm in someone’s home or at a local restaurant. See Empty Nesters Small Group for details of this group's upcoming get together.
Ladies Lunch Bunch
A great way to meet other women, create new friendships, and try different restaurants around town. We meet the 2nd Thursday of the month at 11:30am. Women of all ages are welcome. See Ladies Lunch Bunch for details of our upcoming ladies get together.
Chair Exercise
Seated exercise that offers all the benefits of standing exercise, without the risk. Chair exercises will keep your joints flexible, improving your range of motion and mobility. They also strengthen and stabilize your muscles, resulting in improved balance, which is key for preventing falls and injuries. Led by Lydia C. Class is by ZOOM on Fridays from 9:30-10:00am and/or click here for a video recording.
SALTed Tees Golf
A fun way to connect with others through a casual game of golf followed by dinner. These socials are held monthly from January through May and again in September through November at the Meadowlakes Hidden Falls Golf Course or another local golf course. See SALTed Tees Golf Social for details of upcoming social.
SALT/Empty Nesters Service Ministry Events
Service events give us an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we touch the lives and hearts of others. These ministry opportunities vary throughout the year. Taking meals to shut-ins, putting together special Christmas bags for our local women's shelter and Open Door Recovery, and putting on a Christmas parade for our St. Peter's School children are just a few ways we have shared the light and love of Christ to brighten the day for others. Check out our upcoming Ladies Lunch Bunch Service Outreach
For more information on any of our 50+ Ministry programs, please contact our Senior Coordinator, Cindy Struchen.